Gears of War is a popular third-person shooter video game series that has been captivating audiences for over a decade. The franchise has a rich and detailed history that is full of fascinating characters, intense battles, and iconic images. One of the most recognizable images from the Gears of War franchise is the Locust symbol. The Locust symbol is an emblem that represents the Locust Horde, the main enemy force in the Gears of War series. The Locust Horde is a race of creatures that live underground and seek to destroy humanity. The Locust symbol is featured prominently in the Gears of War franchise and has become a symbol of the Locust Horde's power and ferocity. The Origin of the Locust Symbol The Locust symbol has been a part of the Gears of War franchise since its inception. The Locust Horde has evolved throughout the franchise, and the symbol has evolved with it. The Locust symbol is not just an emblem, but it also represents the power and authority of the Locust Horde....
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